Did you see me?

Did you see me? You had hurriedly passed me in the aisle quickly grabbing the items on your list. We stood near each other while we picked out our produce. You checked your phone numerous times in expectation yet you never glanced my direction.
Did you see me?
You raced your cart so quickly down the aisle that you bumped into me and almost ran over a small child. You stopped briefly to apologize before you scurried around the corner.
Did you see me?
You grabbed that package of beef right out of my hand while on your phone. You cut in front of me in the checkout line. You looked down at your phone while waiting your turn.
I saw you!
I saw you. I see you. I understand you.
Racing in every direction with so much on your mind. Whatever your deadline is…whatever your purpose for rushing…PLEASE! Stop and breathe! Even if just for a moment.
I have to remind myself daily to breathe. After all, we all have our stresses…our reasons to always be in the fight or flight mode. The busy schedules, the endless to-do lists, kids to get from point A to point B, work, home…it goes on and on.
Today, tomorrow and hereafter, I want to continue to remind myself to live for today, hope for tomorrow and to never let an opportunity pass to let those around me know how much they mean to me. To make the most of each day, help those I can while I am able, to look at everyone and realize they all have a story. They are important. They matter.
I wish this same for you because you are important! You matter! We all matter!
Remember when…
Remember when neighbors looked out for each other. They watched for each other’s kids to come off the bus…making sure they were safe. They looked after them if the parents got home after the children did. They cooked a meal for each other when another was in need. They knew their neighbors so well that if a different car was in their driveway, a window was left open or anything out of the norm, they called them or checked out the house to make sure everything was okay.
Instead of sharing their struggles on Facebook or Instagram, they sat in each other’s kitchens and had a cup of coffee sharing their stories.
Instead of texting their friends brief words of their joys, their struggles, their uh-huh moments, they actually made a phone call and heard their voice. (Written words cannot replace the tones you hear in someone’s voice. After all, how often are emails misinterpreted due to this same reason.)
In light of all the conveniences technology has brought to our lives, we have lost ourselves. We have lost each other. We do not truly see each other. How many of those hundreds of “friends” or thousands of “followers” have you sat down with and actually had a conversation with? Or even desire to have a conversation with?
Friend: a person who one knows, likes, trusts. A person with whom one is allied in a struggle or cause; a comrade.
Do you know them?
We really don’t know each other.
How often have you been out in public and see people that are “together” not looking at each other and rather looking at their phone? In fact, how often are you looking at your phone during family dinner times? Or when with friends? Or your spouse?
With all this technology, we have become impersonal. We hide behind our smart phones. Technology is wonderful but we have to find our balance. People and family need to come first, technology second.
Do you see me?
Most likely the answer is no. Who am I? Who are you? Who are your children? Your spouse? Your significant other? Your friend? Your family? Do you really know them? Do you really know each other?
Neighbors or Strangers?
Not taking the time to know who is next to you, who your neighbor is, who your family and friends are has removed the warmth in our Country. Stating our political views, whether on social media or any other form, before someone gets to know who we really are on the inside, has divided our Country, our people. All we see is what that person stands for, not who they really are. Posting to social media really doesn’t give you a true idea of who a person is. How many times have you read posts about how wonderful their life is only to find out their marriage is struggling or they’ve lost their job or experienced another hardship they cannot share on Facebook?
Let’s not be strangers. If we take the time to look around us and not at our technology, then we will know how to talk to each other. We’re raising generations of people who really don’t know how to pick up the phone and talk to each other. They don’t know how to walk over and introduce themselves to their neighbors. They don’t know how to be a neighbor.
Neighbor: a person who shows kindliness or helpfulness toward his or her fellow humans.
Are you a neighbor?
Are you willing to see me?
Get to know me before you know what I stand for. Get to know me as I am. Get to know me as one who is willing to get to know you – as you! Not through social media or texting but with a face-to-face conversation.
This is how you will see me. And this is how I want to see you… the real you. Not the hidden you behind the social media mask or what I may hear about from someone else. But, you…the person standing before me.
Looking each other in the eye, talking to each other as neighbors and friends, it’s good for our mental health. It’s good for both of us. It’s good for all of us.
Start Today!
Today, put down your phone, look at your loved ones and show them you care. Show them they matter to you. Show them they are important. Give them your time. Even if you start with giving them a few minutes more today and a few more minutes tomorrow, you won’t regret it. You will receive more than you give. Your family needs you – all of you and you need them. You are important! Your loved ones are important!
Sharing the heart is good for the soul.
Start with your loved ones then spread the kindness to your neighbors. Invite your neighbor into your kitchen for a cup of coffee or tea. Get to know each other.
Do something nice for a stranger. Even if it’s putting a cart away for an elderly person after they placed their groceries into their car, they will appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Let’s spread the kindness.
And next time I see you at the grocery store, I hope we look each other in the eye, smile and say, “Hi!”. After all, it may be the first smile you see that day, and I’d like to be the one to smile for you.
Do you see me now?
Come as You Are!
Come as you are. Yes, you…with all the baggage, stresses and everything that is affecting you today. I want to get to know you. I want to know what’s troubling you, your symptoms, your goals because everything you are experiencing has meaning. We will look at the whole body systems to see where the dysfunction may lie. We will work together to help you achieve your goals; so you can be the person you desire to be for you, your family and others.
Autonomic dysfunction can attribute to mental health challenges and also make it uncomfortable to socialize.
If you experience anxiety, rapid heart rate, sweating, exhaustion, dilated pupils, trouble concentrating, digestion or bladder issues, tingling or cold limbs, hyperventilation, and possibly more, you may have a condition referred to as autonomic dysfunction.
Contact Better with Nutrition for more information or to arrange an appointment. We can help you achieve better health together.
However, if you believe you need immediate assistance, please contact your local hospital or medical practitioner.