Fight the Good Fight – Fighting Colds and Flu

Fighting Colds and Flu
Being aggressive and acting on the first sign of sickness can make the difference between suffering for days and feeling great when fighting colds and flu. Following these instructions can greatly reduce your level of illness.
- Vitamin C* – 500 mg per hour. If you experience stomach upset then take 1 tablet every 2 hours. Buffered C is best on the stomach.
- Zinc gluconate lozenges** – 1 every 2 hours.
- Garlic capsules** – 1 every 2 hours. You may also use fresh garlic cloves. Mince a garlic clove and let it set for 10 minutes to allow activation of the allicin. Then add raw organic honey to the spoonful of minced garlic, chew a few times and swallow. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and raw honey contains antibacterial and antifungal properties.
- Echinacea** – as directed on bottle. Echinacea tea also works and is soothing to the throat.
- Gargle – with 1 teaspoon sea salt to 4 ounces warm water as often as once per hour.
- Drink – As much water as possible to flush through the toxins and thin the mucus. Drink warm tea or warm water with added raw honey to help soothe the throat.
- Massage – neck from jaw line to clavicle several times per day. This will aid the lymphatic system to carry away infectious agents.
- Move – and stretch frequently. Every two hours minimum.
- Sleep – as much as your body needs. Make rest a high priority.
- Avoid – all high sugar foods including fruit juices, dairy products and stimulants. (High amounts of simple sugar inhibit immune function.) Instead, squeeze lemons into water. You may add stevia, a natural sweetener.
- Visualize – yourself defeating the illness. Formulate the belief that you are in control because the fact is, you are!
Continue with this regimen for 24 hours after the last symptom you notice. If your symptoms worsen rapidly, or if you suffer from symptoms longer than one week, consult your physician.
If you are pregnant, or there is any chance you might be, consume no more than 5000 IU of vitamin A per day.
*Persons suffering from recurrent kidney stones, kidney disease, gout, or persons on hemodialysis or anticoagulants should avoid high doses of vitamin C. High doses of vitamin C pose a very low risk to most individuals.
**Persons on anticoagulants should be aware that garlic contains blood thinning properties and Echinacea and zinc may increase the effects of anticoagulants.
***The statements above are not intended to diagnose or cure any disease or illness. Please check with your healthcare practitioner before starting any supplementation program to ensure compatibility with your medications and your health.