Naturally Heal Skin Conditions with Skin Heal

Skin Heal
Essential Oils can be used for numerous conditions including many skin conditions. If you suffer from eczema, psoriasis, burns, acne, or more, you can find relief from the Skin Heal recipe:
Organic coconut oil
Aloe gel mixture (dye and fragrance free)
Essential Oils (lavendar, lemongrass)
Essential Oils (Clove, Oregano OR Thyme)
Mix together a 50/50 blend of coconut oil and aloe gel with a few drops of lavender. You may also add a few drops of lemongrass for an additional antiseptic and astringent for your skin.
Add either clove, oregano or thyme by using 8 drops of essential oil to one ounce of the mixture. For example, you would use approximately 32 drops of oil per 4 ounce jar.
Mix it all together until well blended. Apply twice daily or as needed.