The Painful Effects from Sugar

Have you ever considered that you may be having painful effects from sugar? Most people have heard that sugar is responsible for high triglycerides and low HDL (good) cholesterol, gum disease, behavioral issues in children, heart disease, obesity and diabetes but you may not realize that consuming refined sugar can be painful too. If you are suffering from muscle aches and pains, stiff joints, PMS symptoms and/or migraines, you should look at how much sugar you are consuming.
That’s correct! Sugar can be the hidden ingredient behind the pain that you are experiencing. Your sugar consumption may come in the form of a muffin or bagel at breakfast, the pasta and fruit at lunch or the candy bar for your mid-afternoon snack. The sugar you’re consuming is not necessarily strictly refined sugar but carbohydrates that turn to sugar once consumed and spike your insulin levels. And, surprisingly to most, fructose – the sugar in fruit – can also be causing your symptoms.
Those that have removed refined sugar from their diets and limited the amount of fruit from their daily menu have dramatically decreased or eliminated the amount of pain they are experiencing. You will notice the difference within days of removing it from your diet and you will inevitably continue to notice these improvements.
I have personally experienced the painful effects of sugar. I have given up refined sugar from my diet and noticed an amazing difference in the muscle pain level that I experience. Occasionally when I have that piece of birthday cake or a dish of ice cream, my muscle pain level will go from zero or one to an 8 or 9 out of 10 and will remain intense for at least 24 hours. Surprisingly, I will also notice that if I consume too much fruit in one day, I will experience anywhere from a restless nights sleep to more intense muscle pain. To me and many others, the difference is so drastic that it is not worth the consumption of refined sugar and is worth being mindful of the amount of fruit consumed.
Test it out for yourself: you won’t be disappointed in your results. You may find that you have the occasional craving but that too fades after the first week of sugar elimination. It’s definitely worth the effort!