Uncover 5 Hidden Causes of Depression, Anxiety and Suicidal Thoughts

Do you feel like you’re swimming against the current of a mental health disorder? Or maybe climbing UP Niagara Falls as the water is pelting down upon you and no one is there to help? Is anyone listening to you? Let’s uncover 5 hidden causes of depression, anxiety and suicidal thoughts not frequently considered.
1. GI Disorders
There has been remarkable research on the gut-brain connection which has shown that those who suffer from bacterial overgrowth such as Candida or conditions such as leaky gut, also known as dysbiosis, experience mental health disorders. Our gut is considered our second brain since what happens in the gut affects our brain.
Yeast and Fungal Infections
We all have yeast in our colons but when one has excessive yeast, symptoms such as intense carbohydrate cravings, headaches, irritability, skin conditions, chronic fatigue, brain fog, joint pain, sinus infections, food allergies or intolerances and other symptoms appear. Individuals may also experience more severe behavioral reactions.
Leaky Gut
Picture your colon as a screen and the food particles you eat pass through this screen and into your bloodstream instead of continuing the path of digestion. This condition is called leaky gut, or intestinal permeability and is caused when the small intestinal lining of the colon becomes damaged. This gut permeability leads to inflammation in the colon and causes allergies, arthritis, infectious diarrhea, Celiac disease, thyroid disorders, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), respiratory infections, autoimmune diseases, weight gain and other conditions. Leaky gut has been linked to psychiatric disorders. What we absorb or do not absorb affects our entire body including the health of our brain.
2. Food Allergies and Food Intolerances
Those suffering from food allergies and food intolerances are also not able to absorb the nutrients necessary for brain health. The body sees the reacting foods as an enemy. Without these nutrients from these foods, it is difficult to receive the proper nutrition for a healthy mind and body. With the Standard American Diet (SAD), it has become the norm to dine out, grab dinner in, eat processed and fried foods high in fat and sugar, consume artificial dyes and preservatives and so on. Our bodies enter chemical overload caused by the Standard American Diet. Food allergies and food intolerances upset hormone levels and other key chemicals necessary for brain health and lead to symptoms ranging from depression to schizophrenia
3. Video Gaming and Screen Time
A video gamer is in constant search for the adrenaline rush that comes from the activity of the game and the continuation of “upping” the levels. The euphoria that comes with the excitement each game provides is something that the brain craves more and more of. The player may become addicted to the game where all that matters is the game itself. They may lose interest in socialization, school or work, family life, and life itself. Nothing seems to matter other than getting to that next level. Depressed and anxious individuals who self-medicate with video gaming become more isolated and depressed.
According to several studies, excessive screen time has been directly related to depression and suicide. This has shown true especially for children. Video gaming and screen time affect executive functioning and impulse control in the brain’s frontal cortex; exactly the same way as cocaine does. The use of screen time raises dopamine levels (the feel-good neurotransmitter) substantially resulting in impulsive behaviors and may even include hallucinations and paranoia.
4. EMFs
In the technological world we live in today, we are surrounded by EMFs. With our cell phones, WiFi, tablets and laptops, cordless phones and microwaves, we may be in for a world of hurt when it comes to our health.
There are several studies that point to many health conditions related to our exposure to EMFs. The two organs most disrupted by these electromagnetic fields are the brain and heart. With neuropsychiatric disorders and diseases such as anxiety, ADD, autism, Alzheimer’s and depression to heart arrhythmia and insomnia and many others on the rise, your EMF exposure should be worth noting. Some individuals are so sensitive to these EMFs that they are not able to be in a public place that offers WiFi or on a bus with a multitude of cell phones. These individuals have to seclude themselves and take every precaution to lessen or eliminate their exposure for their health benefit
5. Nutritional Imbalances
This refers back to the gut-brain connection. A poor quality diet, such as the typical Standard American Diet (SAD), does not provide the variety of nutrients necessary for brain health. And, if you are not able to digest and absorb the foods you are eating that provide the micro and macro nutrients necessary for brain health, this will most likely result in nutritional imbalances. These nutritional imbalances have been associated with depression and anxiety.
Uncover 5 Hidden Causes Behind Depression, Anxiety and Other Mental Health Disorders is intended to enlighten you on other possible causes of anxiety and depression. If you suffer from depression, anxiety or another mental health disorder, please seek professional help. With dietary and lifestyle changes, you can improve your health status – even if you are currently taking medications.
In functional medicine, we look at the entire body and identify and address the underlying factors causing illness. Contact Info@BetterWithNutrition.com if you’d like to address your functional health.